Saturday, August 15, 2020

Beginner's Mind

In my early training and consulting career I studied and attended a variety of workshops to both understand myself and better help my clients. Of most interest to me were models for creativity and creative thinking.

Consistently, I found my own creativity leans toward making the present better, but I admire, long for, and sometimes enter that space where a new and innovative possibility emerges. This space decries any rules, defies prediction, and shows up only if I'm in beginner's mind.

My process with the recent totems is a good example. I was simply doodling with colored pens and sketch paper while sitting on the patio with the cats, smelling the air, feeling peaceful and in a meditative state of mind, just being present.

Not once did I start out thinking I'd draw a particular shape. Only when a sketch felt complete did I stop, mentally step back, and "see" something. The snake is a good example--not quite like any of the other totems, so no precedent--even among the totems--and never repeated.

The totems achieved whatever purpose there might have been in their appearance, and left. I loved their visits and look forward to another surge of innovation, but I know from experience it will take an entirely unexpected form.

Snake Totem helps us listen and watch the environment carefully to find our direction and know when to act.


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